Habitual is not a homogeneous piece of imperfective.
Rather, it is highly affected by tense.
[습관상은 어떤 단일한 미완망 조각이 아니다. 습관상은 시제에 많이 영향을 받는다]
- The grammaticization of zero, Bybee 1990.
An exclusive present habitual expression tends to be a zero form.
The reason is pragmatic
: like there is strong overlap between perfective and simple past,
present is almost same with present imperfective in terms of the meaning
; Habitual, maybe, is one of the basic aspectual usages of present tense, but not of past.
; Thus explicit expression of habitual meaning will be more frequent in the past
[현재 습관상 표현은 영형식인 경향이 있다. 현재 시제를 상처럼 쓸 때 기본 용법 중 하나이기 때문이다]
Simple present carries no explicit meaning,
observing the meaning inhernet to normal social and physical phenomena.
This meaning consists of habitual occurence and behaviors as well as ongoing states.
[단순 현재는 별도의 의미를 전달하지 않고, 일반 사회/물리 현상에 내재된 의미를 전달
여기에 습관적인 사건발생, 습관적 행위, 진행중인 상태 등이 포함된다]
- Ch. 5. Evolution of Grammar, Bybee et al. 1994
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