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이형태 분포와 빈도효과의 상관관계

by 앎의나무 2008. 3. 2.

전기 근대국어 {-sΛp-}의 이형태 분포와 빈도효과의 상관관계에 대하여
(On the Correlation between {-sΛp-}`s Allomorphes` Distributions and Frequency Effects in the First Half Modern Korean)

한국어학, Vol.35, No.0,   Startpage 243, Endpage 274, Totalpage 32


grammaticalization, sΛp, Pragmatic context, frequency effect

 This paper aims at supporting one supposition of grammatical morpheme {-sʌp-}'s historical change by employing the frequency effect theory. What is crucial to allomorphes' respective semantic change is the context which each allomorph takes part in. The pragmatic inference in the context which the subject's denotation is the speaker and the object's one is the listener might make semantic change of {-sʌp-} possible. But some allomorphes, that is, /tsʌp/, /tsʌw/, /tsʌo/ and so on, did not undergo such a semantic change. In order to explain these, frequency efftect theory very often used by emergentists, employed.

** "ʌ"는 모두 소실문자인 "아래아"임. ("ʌ" represents old Korean grapheme " · ")