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Academic Expression be on a different order of magnitude ; 양적 정도에 있어 수준이 다르다. 2012. 8. 7.
3 things affecting on the productivity of a linguistic pattern There are three factors on deciding the productivity of a linguistic pattern, a conjugation pattern in the original text, according to Language, Usage, and Cognition, written by Joan Bybee: Firstly, so called ‘type frequency’ of a pattern which is the number of the items displaying the same pattern affects the productivity of the pattern. The more items exist within the pattern, the more product.. 2012. 7. 26.
Reading Language, Usage and Cognition by Joan Bybee I've read chapter 1 and 2; it's too natural and simple to be wrong. Id est, it's insightful. Every cognitive process activates neurons and leaves traces, then those correlate themselves, and gradually a structure/construction/pattern emerges from it, and becomes stronger; moreover all the processes are on-line, meaning every language use itself is language change, every change is gradual, and ev.. 2012. 6. 24.
A short critical review on Evolution of Morphology by Carstairs-McCarthy In his book, Evolution of Morphology, Carstairs-McCarthy deals with linguistic data, actually every linguist does.But when he was dealing with the data concerned to the topic, he pretended to set himself as a language user at times, and then he gave a try to explain the phenomena in terms of the language user. His effort seems to has failed to achieve a relevant result, however, and it's mainly .. 2012. 5. 31.