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Californian Beaches and Sunsets

by 앎의나무 2012. 1. 8.


I went to Malibu after stopping by LAX for dropping off my friend returning home

La Jolla Cliff

I went to La Jolla Ciiff to see the last sunset 2011 turning out to be too cloudy to see it

San Diego

Harbor Drive San Diego, taken with Vignette effect

UCR Extension

Shot of the UCR Extension where I've studied for 10 months


Sunset from Everton Pl where my Apt. is placed by


Sunset from Everton Pl where my Apt. is placed by

I like the sunset of California.
The climate is usually sunny with clear sky, and the landscape is plain, thereby the sunset is very beautiful.
I have kept trying to capture the moment, and got some thought it has not been always easy.

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