양화사 '다'의 형성과 의미확장
2011. 10. 23. 17:48
현대국어 ‘다’는 전칭 양화사의 용법과 정도 부사의 용법, 그리고 선행 명사구에 “의외성”의 의미를 더해주는 용법을 가지고 있다. 전칭 양화사 ‘다’는 중세국어 {다아-}의 활용형 ‘다ㆍ아’가 ‘:다’로 형태화하면서 발달했다. ‘다ㆍ아’의 출현 환경은 국어의 양화사의 분포와 높은 빈도로 일치하였고 어휘 의미는 전칭 양화사로 발달하기에 적당했다. 정도 부사 ‘다’는 전칭 양화사 ‘다’로부터 발달한 것이다. 어떤 사건이 행위와 그 행위가 미치는 대상을 포함하고 사건이 진행되면서 그 행위가 대상에 일정한 방향으로의 변화를 야기하는 경우에 전칭 양화의 ‘다’는 완결을 나타내는 정도 부사로 발달할 수 있다. 대상의 변화가 모두 이루어지는 것이 해당 사건의 종료를 동반하기 때문이다. 끝으로 “의외성”의 ‘다’ 역시 전칭 양화의 ‘다’로부터 발달한 것으로 보인다. 언어 표현은 명제적으로 해석될 수도 있지만, 인식적 차원에서 해석될 수도 있다. ‘다’는 명제적으로 ‘실제 세계의 전체’를 표현하고, 인식적으로 ‘가능성의 전체’를 표현한다. 따라서 극히 가능성이 낮은 것으로 인식되는 상황도 ‘다’를 써서 포함시킬 수가 있고 이로부터 “의외성”의 ‘다’가 발달할 수 있는 것으로 보인다
The evolutionary formation of a Korean quantifier ‘da’ and its semantic divergence
This paper aims to identify the origin and the evolutionary paths of present-day Korean quantifier da, and to uncover the mechanisms by which da has evolved to have three different functions as it is today; da is mainly a quantifier referring "all", an adverb referring "completely", and a post-particle imposing "exceptionality" to its host. The quantifier was evolved from daa(←daʌ-a), a conjugation form of the mid-Korean verb daʌ-, meaning "to exhaust". It had occurred frequently exactly at the same position with some Korean quantifiers, i.e. after the NP they modifying. And the meaning was a good candidate for a quantifier referring "completely". These two made daa a quantifier. The other functions of da have derived from the quantifier. The adverb da has been developed via durational verb constructions. Situations that the verbs present have an action and its patient(incremental theme). Usually the more each of these situations progresses, the more each patient is affected. After undertaking the context which the quantifier da had been used after the patient, da became an adverb meaning "completely". Finally, the particle da had been derived by epistemic construal of the quantifier da. Propositionally the quantifier da refers "all" of the real world. But epistemically the quantifier da refers "all" of the possibility, even the lowest. So situations of the lowest possibility in terms of the speaker"s judgement can be involved in the epistemic territory presented by da. And the high frequency of the epistemic construal of the quantifier da brings out the particle da
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The evolutionary formation of a Korean quantifier ‘da’ and its semantic divergence
This paper aims to identify the origin and the evolutionary paths of present-day Korean quantifier da, and to uncover the mechanisms by which da has evolved to have three different functions as it is today; da is mainly a quantifier referring "all", an adverb referring "completely", and a post-particle imposing "exceptionality" to its host. The quantifier was evolved from daa(←daʌ-a), a conjugation form of the mid-Korean verb daʌ-, meaning "to exhaust". It had occurred frequently exactly at the same position with some Korean quantifiers, i.e. after the NP they modifying. And the meaning was a good candidate for a quantifier referring "completely". These two made daa a quantifier. The other functions of da have derived from the quantifier. The adverb da has been developed via durational verb constructions. Situations that the verbs present have an action and its patient(incremental theme). Usually the more each of these situations progresses, the more each patient is affected. After undertaking the context which the quantifier da had been used after the patient, da became an adverb meaning "completely". Finally, the particle da had been derived by epistemic construal of the quantifier da. Propositionally the quantifier da refers "all" of the real world. But epistemically the quantifier da refers "all" of the possibility, even the lowest. So situations of the lowest possibility in terms of the speaker"s judgement can be involved in the epistemic territory presented by da. And the high frequency of the epistemic construal of the quantifier da brings out the particle da
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