
Points of Speaking English

앎의나무 2011. 3. 9. 16:59
Sentence stress: Sound Units

1. A sound unit includes at least one contain word in the end of the unit and structure words before the contain word.
 - Contain words: Tom, sell, France, bicycle, gone, negative auxiliaries etc.
 - Structure words: prepositions, adverbs, auxiliaries and pronouns
2. structure words are pronounced less exactly and they are contracted softly.
3. Each sound unit takes approximately half a second.
4. ex) Will you sell/ my bicycle/ because I've gone/ to France

Linking two words

1. consonants to vowels
 come on > co-mon
 turn off > tur-noff
 break it > brea-kit
 have a > ha-va

2. vowels to vowels

2-1) o$V >  o-wV
 who is > who-wis
 too often > too-woften
 know all > kno-wall
 tow it > to-wit

2-2) V$V > V-yV
 the end > the-yend
 may I > ma-yI
 he asked > he-yasked
 say it > sa-yit

3. do not consonants to consonants

** Can I have a drink of your tea
Ca-ni-ha-va-drin-kof your tea?
Ca-ni-ha-v/a-drin-k/of your tea? (with sound units devision)

Word Stress

1. One word has one stress.
2. Some words have a secondary stress.
3. Most 2 syllable nouns and adjectives receive the stress on the 1st syllable
4. Most 2 syllable verbs receive the stress at the last syllable

Informal Contraction

1. cat > ca/ 
2. settled > se/ld
3. maintenance > main//s
4. Do you want to coke? > (do-)ya wanna coke?