
humanity upgrading

앎의나무 2010. 1. 17. 17:54
There are several forms of which our believes are made.
- e.g. religions, rationality, customs, and so on.

But in a certain viewpoint, it's not a relevent criterion which form is chosen.
- i.e. the viewpoint on getting the end - spirutual advances or upgrading the humanity.

In that viewpoint, whatever forms s/he takes the only criterion is whether the members belonging to a certain form can achieve spiritual advances or not - the forms are just methods.

These methods may be classified differently by the level of reality or effectiveness.
- Reason/rationality is the most real and effective, I believe.

Nonetheless, all forms are compatible - real atheists who understand that the end of many saints' messages is not dogmatic one and is the same with upgrading humanity, and theists who have reached the zenith of the saints message can be compatible.

We can enter into the compatible state with co-respect, not with debate only, which is a protocol of scientific rationality - although this is an era of the scientifc rationality, not everyone belongs to that tradition; on the contrary most people belong to other traditioins, for example the capitalism, competitionism and so on.